French 101

This course is perfect for learners who are just starting their French journey!

In this course you'll learn how to greet people while diving into French grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, conversation, and more! This course also grants you access to the community where you can meet fellow learners and practice your French together!

Course curriculum

👇 Preview the course!

    1. How did we create this course?

    2. How to use this course?

    1. 👀 First glance: Booking a table at the restaurant

    2. 💡 Breaking it down: Alphabet & accents

    3. 🎯 Train yourself: Listening & Spelling

    4. 🧭 Exploring further: The French keyboard

    5. 📝 Try it out: Practice your spelling

    6. 👍 Wrapping it up: Let's review

    7. Survey: Tell us how you feel

    1. 👀 First glance: Saying hello

    2. 💡 Breaking it down: Greetings and Formal vs Informal

    3. 🎯 Train yourself: Choosing the correct hello

    4. 🧭 Exploring further: La bise and Going from Vous to Tu

    5. 📝 Try it out: Greeting different people

    6. 👍 Wrapping it up: Let's review!

    1. 👀 First glance: Getting to know you

    2. 💡 Breaking it down: Questions and Masculine/Feminine

    3. 🎯 Train yourself: Questions and answers

    4. 🧭 Exploring further: Nasal Vowels and Meeting people

    5. 📝 Try it out: Answer questions to get to know someone

    6. 👍 Wrapping it up: Let's review!

    1. 👀 First glance: How are you, really?

    2. 💡 Breaking it down: être & avoir and Moods

    3. 🎯 Train yourself: Conjugating être & avoir + masc/fem of adjectives

    4. 🧭 Exploring Further: Adverbs and Learning vocabulary

    5. 📝 Try it out: Talking about your mood

    6. 👍 Wrapping it up: Let's review!

    1. 👀 First glance: Au revoir!

    2. 💡 Breaking it down: Saying goodbye and Being Polite

    3. 🎯 Train yourself: Saying goodbye and Times of day

    4. 🧭 Exploring further: Being polite in France

    5. 📝 Try it out: Say goodbye!

    6. 👍 Wrapping it up: Let's review!

About this course

  • €74,99
  • 38 lessons


Teacher & Co-Founder Mikayla Sibner

Mikayla has been teaching French since 2014 and has her Master's Degree in Teaching French as a foreign language from Université Lyon 2. She enjoys teaching grammar, doing musical theater and snuggling with her cats!

Teacher & Co-Founder Sarah Galleze

Sarah has been teaching French as a Foreign Language since 2016 and has her Master's Degree in Teaching French as a foreign language from Université Lyon 2. She enjoys teaching about culture, riding motorbikes and playing with her cats!